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Pictured Book / Web Comic

Missfortune Comic

Project Advisor : Ajarn Nicolas Verstappen

Miss Fortune is a short comic series that aims to bring positivity into the lives of young teens and adults by telling a motivational story about how to enjoy life in a 'livable community.' Life can often feel unfair or just 'livable,' but by reflecting on these moments, we hope to encourage people to keep moving forward, as we believe that everyone can overcome these momentary struggles.


The project includes 6 chapters, being posted daily on Facebook and Webtoon, following an unfortunate girl who is faced with constant misfortunes, until one day, she decides to visit the school urban legend tree that is said to grant people's wishes and prays for her misfortune to go away. Unbeknownst to her, her misfortune did in fact not go away, but instead is now being followed by a kind-hearted ghost.


Our comic project, 'Miss Fortune,' is driven by a mission to inject positivity into the lives of young teens and adults, spanning ages 12-30 (Gen Z to MZ), in a world that often feels bleak and challenging. We aim to shift their perspectives towards a more positive outlook, even in the face of adversity. Similar to a fable with a valuable life lesson, our goal is to tell a story that not only entertains but also educates and guides readers to reflect on society engagingly and enjoyably.

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Ananta Eiting


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GoEun Kim


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Sumittra Khaonim 


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Yanawarut Umpornpun


© 2021 by BCM Chula


All original videos, songs, images, and graphics used on this site, in part or in whole, belong to their respective owners and the Faculty of Communication Arts claims no right over them.


Under section 32 of the Copyright Act B.E. 2537 (1994), allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, teaching, education and research.

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