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Beyond Fibres
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“Beyond Fibres” is a communication campaign that aims to raise awareness and appreciation for the physical values of pineapple fibres and the benefits to communities involved in their production. Through a collaboration with ANANAS, a local Thai brand specialising in pineapple fibres, we have enhanced their online presence and deliver engaging education content to Gen Z individuals. We are committed to showcase the pivotal role of pineapple fibres in fostering our version of a ‘liveable community,’ characterised by environmental well-being, economic prosperity and cultural preservation.


Furry Buddy
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Furry Buddy Project is a communication campaign aimed at promoting mental well-being among Thai university students by highlighting the benefits of animal companionship through Animal-Assisted Activities (AAA).


Pawsitive Change 
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The purpose of the Pawsitive Change project is to solve the stray dog problem, which is a long-term social issue that has been present in Thailand for many decades, under the concept of a “livable community.” Our primary objective is to raise awareness and identify the primary causes of a significant increase in the stray dog population that the majority disregard. On top of that, we would like to reintroduce and emphasize an ultimate and effective solution of the CNVR (Catch, Neuter, Vaccinate, Release) initiative program first proposed and implemented by the Soi Dog Foundation in Thailand.



"Unfiltered.bkk" is a communication campaign that has been created from our group's commitment to acknowledge city people about hidden places in Bangkok, while leveraging the power of social media tools. The campaign was launched on the Instagram and Tiktok account, "Unfiltered.bkk," in order to suggest the activity in each place to guide people what interesting things to do.

© 2021 by BCM Chula


All original videos, songs, images, and graphics used on this site, in part or in whole, belong to their respective owners and the Faculty of Communication Arts claims no right over them.


Under section 32 of the Copyright Act B.E. 2537 (1994), allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, teaching, education and research.

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